
Here contains the list of libraries and software I use for web development.

Scripts, a script for preloading pages on anchor hover.

Alpine.js, a lightweight JavaScript framework that makes working with reactivity much easier.


Orbitron for a Heading Font.

Comic Neue for a Dyslexia Font.


Vector megapolis with speed train, ferris wheel by vectorpocket on Freepik.


fukashigi no carte (from "Seishun Buta Yarō") by Mockingbird .
Licensed under CC BY-NC 3.0.

Tools & Sites, a place for uploading files, used for music.

SASS, a CSS preprocessor that empowers CSS with logical operators, mixins, nesting, and more, before converting them back to CSS.

npm, a registry for JavaScript libraries I download and use.

Prettier, a JavaScript library used to prettify the code into a more readable way, depending on your configuration.

localhost, a library used to host a site in development.

VSCode, an editor with vast amount of extensions and flexibility, used for coding stuff.

GitHub, a Git Server used to backup this site's code and allows me to view each commit I have done in the repository.

Google, a search engine helps searching and "learning" for a solution.